Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 2 Nephi 11-25

I originally wrote a post about the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi back in 2016. You can read this at:

I had to read the chapters from Isaiah several times before gaining a true appreciation of their value. In the video, Isaiah National Forest (see below), Brother John Bytheway counteracts the old expression, “You cannot see the forest for the trees”. He explains that there are only four types of trees in the Isaiah National Forest (all starting with the letter C): Christ – so many of the Isaiah chapters provide a Messianic view and allow us to develop our understanding of Jesus Christ; Covenants – he speaks to covenant Israel, to warn them that they need to live up to who they are; Current events – and these events often foreshadow the fourth type of tree; Coming events.

2 Nephi 15 has an interesting image. In verse 18 we read, “Wo unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope.” I could not find any references to this verse. However, it did make me think of an object lesson I used once in an old Sunday School lesson. I tied a class member’s hands together with a single thread. It was quite easy to break. Then I twisted several strands of the thread together and re-tied his hands. This time, the class member could not break free. This was likened to sin. It seems easy when only one sin has been committed, but the more sins, the harder it is to repent and forsake sin. The ‘cords of vanity’ made me think of the cords used in jewellery to hold trinkets and beads. The ‘cart rope’ is like the strands threaded together, like much tougher, more ingrained sin. 

This also made me think of a book called The Cords on Vanity: A Comedy of Shirking by James Cabell. The main character in this novel is not just lazy, but selfish and evil. It seems that the more he takes advantage of other people, the worse he gets. Alexander Pope’s famous quote speaks to the truth of this (see below). It also reminds me of how you boil a frog, “The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death” (Wikipedia). There is no such thing as a little sin.

In 2 Nephi 19 (Isaiah 9) and 2 Nephi 20 (Isaiah 10), the same phrase is repeated three times. 2 Nephi 19:17 speaks about the young men, “…for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.” Then in 2 Nephi 19:21, after stating that the people of Judah will turn against each other, it states, “For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.” And then, in 2 Nephi 20:4, we read, “Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.” The Lord is mercy and love. He will always be there if we just repent and turn to Him.

I love the way Isaiah describes the conditions that will prevail in the Millennium. Amongst my favourite scriptures are four verses, 2 Nephi 21:6-9 (Isaiah 11:6-9). I can picture these scriptures so vividly, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’s den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” I love animals, all animals, and I would love to see this. Imagine the full knowledge of the Lord allowing complete harmony between all living creatures!

Nephi provides us with four keys to help us understand Isaiah’s writing in 2 Nephi 25.
1.       In 2 Nephi 25:1, we learn that we need to understand the way of prophesying of the Jews; a different way of prophesying using complex symbols.
2.       In 2 Nephi 25:4, we are told that we need the spirit of prophecy, which we know to be a testimony of Christ (Revelations 19:10).
3.       In 2 Nephi 25:6, we discover that we need to appreciate the geography of the time. Here is where a map can be valuable.
4.       In 2 Nephi 25:8, we find that we can understand Isaiah’s words as we live in the days he described. We will be able to see Isaiah’s words fulfilled all around us.

Later, in 2 Nephi 25:23, we learn one of the major reasons for reading and studying the words of Isaiah, “For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ.” The emphasis on our Saviour Jesus Christ in the words of Isaiah and in the Book of Mormon is summarised perfectly in 2 Nephi 25:26, “And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 2 Nephi 6-10

Please check out my post on these scriptures from 2016:

As mentioned in my previous post on 2 Nephi 1-5, I split my Gospel Doctrine class into six groups. The first two covered the scriptures in the week’s study, January 13 to 19. The last four were from this week’s scripture study.

Group 3 covered the counsel of Jacob to his Nephite brethren. He spoke to them about the house of Israel and this is of great value to me personally because I know that I am of the house of Israel. The events he described are events that have happened and will happen. In 2 Nephi 6:6 we read, “Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people.” I know this standard well because it is the Church that I believe in with my whole heart and soul. President Marion G. Romney (Conference Report, April 1961) stated: "This Church is the standard…[It] was given to be a light to the world and to be a standard for God's people and for the Gentiles to seek to. This Church is the ensign on the mountain spoken of by the Old Testament prophets. It is the way, the truth, and the life."
"This Church is the standard"
Jacob went on to talk about the Lord’s Second Coming. I was left thinking about how I can best prepare myself and my family for the Second Coming. Although I have six talented, kind, wonderful children, only one is active in the Church. They are all adults so I can encourage them and try to be an example but they make their own decisions. I feel a great responsibility to try to be the best example I can be and to try to do everything in my power to help them see the beauty of the truth as can be found only in the Church. My heart will be broken if the Lord comes again and five of my sweet children are not ready to meet Him.
The Second Coming

The fourth group covered a chapter from Isaiah, a big challenge but they did an admirable job. 2 Nephi 8 (Isaiah 51: and 52:1-2) is a witness to the power and majesty of God. Freeman and Butler (2019; in Don’t miss this in the Book of Mormon) stated, “the Lord is trying to convince Israel to trust Him, to allow Him not just to be Lord and God but to be their Lord and God.” I trust implicitly in the God described in these verses: The God who wounds dragons (v. 9), dries seas (v. 10), comforts Israel (v. 12), plants the heavens (v. 13), and lays the foundation of the earth (v. 13). The Lord has power over all the elements and all His enemies. In verse 25 we are told to, “Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” How can I make this meaningful to me? I can make sure that I am not bound to the natural man and subject to the will of Satan and I must work to always be worthy of a temple recommend and to prepare, once more, to attend the temple regularly. This is His house and this is where I can be close to Him, close to the Spirit.

Group 5 had the wonderful task of discussing and presenting the information in 2 Nephi: 9 on the infinite Atonement. President Russell M. Nelson spoke about the infinite nature of the Atonement, how it was infinite in saving all human beings from never-ending death, infinite in the Saviour’s intense suffering, infinite in that it extends to an infinite number of people and worlds, and because Christ was the only one who could offer such an infinite Atonement (born of a mortal mother and an immortal Father) as He is an infinite Being. When I ponder on the Atonement, the power of the testimony I have increases my love for my Saviour Jesus Christ. I experience this every Sunday as I listen to the beautiful words of the Sacrament hymns that never fail to bring tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart and soul.

The final group, Group 6 covered the second half of 2 Nephi 9. These scriptures cover the Plan of Salvation, the first principles and ordinances of the gospel, and what happens if we follow Satan. In a General Conference talk in October, 2010, Elder Per G. Malm stated:  "In view of our existence as spirit children before we came to earth and immortality in the life hereafter, this earth life is indeed but a very short moment. It is, however, a day of probation, but it is also a day of opportunities when we choose to follow the invitation to not waste the days of our probation. The thoughts that we dwell on inside our minds, the feelings we foster inside our hearts, and the actions we choose to take will all have a determining impact on our lives, both here and in the hereafter. A helpful habit is to lift our vision daily in order to maintain an eternal perspective of the things we plan and do, especially if we detect a tendency to wait until a future tomorrow to do what we know we should pursue while we have our present today." What a wonderful strategy. I hope to follow this counsel and lift my vision and maintain an eternal perspective.

Book of Mormon 2020 - 2 Nephi 1-5

Please check out my initial thoughts on these verses written back in 2016. They can be found at:

This week in Gospel Doctrine class we had to cover so much doctrine. We always just touch on the first week’s scriptures, and then focus on the second week’s scriptures. I split the class into six groups. I really dislike group work, but I was very concerned about members of the class who do not seem to be reading their scriptures during the two weeks between lessons. This was a way to cover some of the doctrine and get the class members to do some work! I only had two groups work on scriptures from 2 Nephi 1-5.

The first group covered Lehi’s messages to his family before he passed away. I lived through the death of my own father but he was too frail and too sick to worry about giving any last-minute counsel. In the years prior to his death, my dad often repeated two gems of wisdom: listen to your mum and remember the covenants you have made, I have tried to live by these two gems for my whole life.

In 2 Nephi 1: 23, Lehi counselled his sons, “Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust.” I loved the comment made by President Spencer W. Kimball, “"[There] are Church members who are steeped in lethargy. They neither drink nor commit the sexual sins. They do not gamble nor rob nor kill. They are good citizens and splendid neighbours, but spiritually speaking they seem to be in a long, deep sleep. They are doing nothing seriously wrong except in their failures to do the right things to earn their exaltation. To such people as this, the words of Lehi might well apply." (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 149)

Attending the temple
When I considered these scriptures back in 2016, I mentioned my own lethargy regarding temple attendance. This changed dramatically and I started attending the temple regularly with my middle daughter. These experiences brought us much closer and it was truly the highlight of every month. We have both missed these visits since the temple was closed for renovations. Shortly, not only will our Hamilton temple be open but we will have access to a temple in our back-yard, Manukau Heights, literally ten minutes from home. At the present time, we cannot be lethargic. I have a current temple recommend to make sure I am ready for temple work. While my dear old mum is still alive, I need to delve into all the family history she has done, so I understand what has been done and what still needs to be done.

I did not assign my favourite passage of scripture to the class, 2 Nephi 2:11-12. This outlined opposition and how it is necessary for all of us to fulfill the reason for our journey in mortality. The last three months has been a period where I have seen opposition and moved from low to high places and from low to high states of mind. In December 2019, I was made redundant after 20 years working for the same tertiary institution. I worked hard and I was good at my job. When I was told I was being made redundant, I understood that I had been undone by our Campus Manager, who had long held a grudge against me, that was unjustified. In my head I knew that the redundancy was unfair. I knew I had many qualifications and a lot of skill and experience. However, in my heart I was crushed. Thirty years ago, I left a painful marriage with no self-esteem. I literally thought I was worth nothing. The redundancy left me feeling the closest I have been to that state of mind for the past thirty years. I went to the doctor and was sent on to counselling. Both helped but not to the same extent as prayer, scripture study, fasting, a blessing from the Bishop, and some good news! The day I was made redundant, I applied for a little part-time job. I got the job. I also received news that I had been granted my PhD and achieved the Chancellor’s Doctoral Research Medal. I appreciate my new qualification after the years of hard work. But I also find great joy in my new little part-time job, working with some delightful, happy, caring people. After leaving a toxic environment, I can now relax and enjoy the work I do. I do not believe I would now be so grateful and content if it had not been for the devastation felt in the previous two months.

The second group in Gospel Doctrine class examined the important role of Mother Eve. What a strong, courageous woman and what a hard role she had to fulfill. She made a decision that allowed me to come to this Earth for a trial that would allow me to return to my Heavenly Father if I just follow the Iron Rod and walk in humility and obedience. Although I have many diplomas and degrees, when I am asked for my ultimate achievement, I always respond that it is my six amazing children. I love and respect each one and consider it a true honour to be their mother. So, thank you Mother Eve!
The Mother of all Living by Diana Webb
In 2016, I wrote a follow-up post in which I examined Nephi’s psalm (2 Nephi 4:15-35). This can be found at:

In this post I was inspired by Nephi’s psalm. I wrote my own psalm which contained the deepest feelings in my soul. I was privileged to also be able to share my mother’s Psalm of Praise.

Book of Mormon 2020 - 1 Nephi 16-22

Please refer to the post I wrote on this lesson back in 2016:

There is a remarkable statement in John W. Welch (ed, 1992), Reexploring the Book of Mormon, that contains evidence that authenticates the divine nature of the Book of Mormon. After the incident where Nephi’s bow was broken and his family started to murmur because they did not know how they would obtain food, Nephi sought the help of the Lord. In 1 Nephi 16:23 we read, :”I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow.” We know he had to make a new bow, but surely he still had his arrows? Why not just make a new bow?

Davis S. Fox, in Welch’s book, discussed facts that would have been unknown at the time Joseph
Smith was working on his translation of the Book of Mormon. He described the forces at work when an arrow is drawn from a bow. The weight and stiffness of the materials for bow and arrow would need to match or the bow would not fire straight. The stiff arrows used in a steel bow would destroy a wooden bow. “The arrows from the steel bow when shot from the wooden bow would be like shooting telephone poles.” David Fox concluded: “Nephi’s statement that he made an arrow out of a straight stick is an additional subtle but significant example of internal consistency within the Book of Mormon. Anyone unfamiliar with the field of archery would have almost certainly omitted such a statement.”
Nephi's broken steel bow and a new wooden bow and arrow
Another piece of evidence indicating the truth of the Book of Mormon comes from recent research into the land Nephi described as Bountiful (see 1 Nephi 17:5). In 1950, Professor Hugh Nibley suggested that Bountiful could be in the Dhofar region of southern Oman. However, it wasn’t until 1976, that the Astons, members who were both explorers and researchers, published a set of 12 criteria, from the Book of Mormon, that would be needed to identify Bountiful’s location. They concluded that Wadi Sayq or River Valley met all the criteria and was likely the site of Bountiful. The short video below, from Book of Mormon Central, describes this amazing find. 

Some other great evidence of the Book of Mormon from old world geography is explained in another YouTube video (see below). Wadi Sayq is mentioned in this video, a lot of other archaeological evidence, and information on the broken bow. It is truly mind-blowing!

In Nephi 20 and Nephi 21 we are presented with the words of Isaiah (Isaiah 48-49). For a full explanation of these chapters, have a read of the great book by John Bytheway called Isaiah for Airheads. In Nephi 20, we read about the Lord being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. God is described as “mighty to save”. If we are obedient and follow His counsel and His laws, he will deliver us from bondage. “Through his power, we can enjoy the promise of peace like a river, and constant righteousness like the waves of the sea” (p. 44).

I spent a lot of time on Nephi 21 and would like to mention some of the wonderful things in this chapter. S. Michael Wilcox defined three keys to understanding this chapter. The first key is found in 1 Nephi 19:23, “…that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer”. The first key is to look for Christ. The second key is found in the same verse, “…for I did liken all scriptures unto us”. We need to look for ourselves in the scriptures. The third key is found in 1 Nephi 22:1, in the questions that are addressed to Nephi by his brethren. “What meaneth these things which ye have read? Behold, are they to be understood according to things which are spiritual, which shall come to pass according to the spirit and not the flesh?” We need to appreciate that there are layers of understanding and that the meanings are both spiritual and temporal, both literal and figurative.

In 1 Nephi 21:1 we are told that we have been called for a purpose and in 21:2 we are told that truth, “a sharp sword” has been placed in our mouths. This lovely image also appears in verse 2. “in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me”. The image of a baby whose mother’s hand is shielding her from the sun, is the image suggested by S. Michael Wilcox. Isn’t that beautiful? Or, a mother’s hand shielding the child from some harsh reality that could hurt the child in some way. The Lord will hide us and protect us.
“in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me”
In verses 5 to 8 we are told that we must accomplish three things: there are three references to the gathering of Israel (bring Jacob again to Him; raise the tribes of Israel; and, restore the preserved of Israel); be a light to the Gentiles; and bring the Lord’s salvation to the earth. Then, in verse 9 we are told, “That thou mayest say to the prisoners: Go forth; to them that sit in darkness: Show yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.” We need to let our light shine so that others can leave their prisons of ignorance (on earth and in the Spirit Prison), follow the light, and be led away from swamps of degeneration to feed in the high places.

I love verse 13, “Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth…break forth into singing, O mountains” – what a joyful image! The Lord will show those of the House of Israel that they have not been forgotten (verse 14). Then, in verse 16 we read, “I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands”. What can we see in the Lord’s palms? The prints of the nails, a reminder to Him that He cannot forget us, just as we cannot forget Him.
His hands
In verse 18 we read about the people gathering into the Church, and in verse 20, there is need for more room. Today we see the rapid splitting of stakes and missions to grant the members more room. These bring to mind the scenes we see when we watch General Conference. I have been in a Regional Conference and felt the awe of being surrounded by so many Saints. I can imagine what it must be like at General Conference, to be one of 21,000 seated in the Conference Centre. Just knowing that sessions are streamed in 80 languages to 7,400 Church buildings in over 100 countries, and later translated into 94 languages is awesome. We can see the words of Isaiah coming to pass.

General Conference
I testify that the Isaiah chapters are powerful. We can develop our knowledge of the responsibilities of members of the House of Israel, and develop our love and appreciation for the role of the Saviour.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 1 Nephi 11-15

Please check out my post on this lesson from 2016:

Quentin L. Cook
Nephi was shown events from the Saviour's life that bore testament to His great love for the people then and for us now. I often feel overwhelmed in the knowledge that I know the Lord loves me. I feel so blessed and honoured when I know prayers have been answered and blessings given. In the October 2017 General Conference, Elder Quentin L Cook had this to say: ""The Saviour’s example of humility and sacrifice for all mankind is the most profound event in history. The Saviour, even as a member of the Godhead, was willing to come to earth as a lowly infant and begin an existence that included teaching and healing His brothers and sisters and ultimately suffering indescribable pain in Gethsemane and on the cross in order to perfect His Atonement. This act of love and humility on the part of Christ is known as His condescension."

The love and humility of the Saviour are portrayed in the pictures below. They show His great love, compassion, and caring. I know the Lord loves me. I need to demonstrate my love by being obedient and living His laws.
Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer
Nephi further witnessed the power of Satan. We can see his power around us every day, In the April 2019 General Conference, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson said, “The battle with sin is real. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to disrupt testimonies and impede the work of the Lord. He is arming his minions with potent weapons to keep us from partaking of the joy and love of the Lord.” A great description of how Satan is doing this, was provided by Elder Gene R. Cook in the April 1982 General Conference. He said, “In this world of illusions, Satan sows selfishness, unbelief, fear, doubt, greed, spiritual instability, and a general concern for self into men’s hearts. He is a master builder of spiritual detours to waste time, divert attention from that which is good, and diminish spiritual receptivity. In these days of increasing deception, and more to come, one must be aware of Satan’s spiritual snares and be sure of his own discernment." All we need to do is look at our Facebook feed or watch the news on television to see Satan at work. We know, from Nephi’s vision, that God will help us to resist Satan and his wiles.
Satan at work
Come Follow Me is one tool to help us keep the love of God in our hearts and minds continually and prevent Satan and his followers from influencing us to do wrong and move away from light and truth. We need to read our scriptures, ponder and pray about them, and then listen for the promptings of the Spirit. At the beginning of Chapter15, Nephi returned to his family following his vision. He found his brothers arguing about the things that their father Lehi had told them. In verse 8, he asked them, “Have ye inquired of the Lord?“. In verse 9, they replied, “We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.” Although Nephi must have been tired from his spiritual experience, he took the time to explain to his brothers that they could know of the things Lehi had spoken. They needed to soften their hearts, ask in faith, and believe that an answer would be given. In John W. Welch’s notes on Come, Follow Me, he says, “As human beings, we all know the general result we want. Most of us want good outcomes as often as possible. What we lack, more often than not, is the understanding of how to get from where we are now to where we want to be. Because the path is unclear, we end up disagreeing about the means and methods to employ to get where we want to go... What they were missing, of course, was the reality and importance of individual, personal revelation.” I rely on personal revelation to help me understand scriptural passages. Most importantly, I would not be able to stand in front of the Gospel Doctrine class every second Sunday, without asking for personal revelation, relying on the Spirit’s direction.
Come Follow Me manuals
I introduced my class to a resource that I have used extensively, that provides an in-depth understanding of the chronology of the Book of Mormon. Events from the Book of Mormon are shown together with Biblical events and important periods in world history. I would recommend this to anyone who would like a general overview. It can be found at:
Book of Mormon Timeline

Book of Mormon 2020 - 1 Nephi 8-10

Please refer back to my 2016 post on Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life. This can be found at:

The Pacific Area Presidency counselled the Saints to liken Lehi's vision to ourselves and our own families. This made me ponder on my children and where I saw them in the vision. It made me sad yet hopeful that they could one day make their way to the fruit and avoid the great and spacious building. The first has made it to the tree while others are struggling to combat the great and overwhelming mists of darkness. Two have literally battled the mists of darkness. One was at home for two and a half years struggling with severe clinical depression. When I would look in his eyes I only saw a huge emptiness and darkness. He has managed to fight his illness and now struggles with the day-to-day challenges of being a university student with few social skills. Now, I have a second who has not left home for over two years. Her darkness came through the carelessness, even cruelty, of 'friends' who could not see the beautiful soul struggling within the mists of darkness. I need to shine my light so that it is bright enough to penetrate the darkness and guide them to the joys of partaking of the fruit. This is my challenge.
The Two Trees
I listened to an exceptional explanation of the two trees, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life, represented in Lehi's vision. This talk was by Valerie Hudson Cassler, and can be found on YouTube (see below).

Valerie has written a lot about the two trees. She wrote down a story that she tells to her children that presents the story in beautiful simplicity. Her story is written below (from 'The Two Trees':
When it was time for the children to grow up, the Parents made a beautiful garden. In the Garden were Two Trees. One had fruit red as the colour of blood. The other had fruit that was as white as the snow.
When the Garden was ready, the Parents put one of their sons there. He was a very valiant son, and they loved him. But it was time for him to become for himself, and make his own choices. It was time for all the children to do this.
If they made good choices, they would become like their Parents, and they could all live together again. If they made bad choices, they would not want to live with their Parents again because they would not be like Them.
Only the children could shut the door to their Home and open the door to their journey. This was the first real choice the children had to make. They had to walk away from their Home and toward a new life, a life that they would make through their choices.
The door was the Red Tree. The Parents told their son that eating the fruit of that tree would shut the door to Home and open the door to a life of real choice. They told him not to eat it, so he would understand that once he chose the journey, Home and Parents would be lost to view.
He did not eat. He stood before the door of the Red Tree, and he knew it was not his destiny to open it. He waited for the Parents to send the one whose destiny it was.
She came. The Parents sent one of their beloved daughters, courageous and true.
She pondered what she knew of her Parents. She pondered her companion. Even an enemy tried to influence her, warping truth in an attempt to gain power over her.
She stood on the threshold between Home and the Great Journey. The Parents had decreed that if none of their daughters consented to the Great Journey, it would not occur. Those who would bear the responsibility of bringing all of the children through the doorway, and risk their life in this task, had the right to make that decision. She weighed it all in her heart and her mind, counted the cost to all of the daughters who would come.
But the vision of her Parents and their happiness was foremost in her mind. If she could be like them, and know what they knew, and love as they loved, the pain and the sorrow would all be worth it.
She took the fruit of the Red Tree, and opened that first door. At Home, all the children shouted for joy that a daughter had consented to the Great Journey, which meant that all would be able to join her . . .
. . . if her companion agreed to join her first. She brought the red fruit to him, and asked him to join her in the journey. He had waited for this moment, waited to be the first soul that a daughter of God brought across the threshold into this life.
He hearkened unto her, and accepted the gift of the red fruit from her. And another great shout of joy emanated from Home—the Great Journey had begun!
The Parents were overjoyed at the courage and the wisdom of their daughter for her choice to open the doorway of the Red Tree, and of the foresight and strength of their son to accept the gift of his companion, their daughter.
The Parents came one last time to see their son and daughter off on their journey. They warned them of how difficult it would be, that real choices mean real happiness, but also real sorrow.
But the Parents also told them where they were going and how they would get there. You see, their destination was the White Tree. The White Tree was also a doorway—the doorway back Home for those who chose what was good and right in their journey.
As with the Red Tree, the White Tree, there was a gift to be given. The white fruit would be the teachings and promises of the way of righteousness, which would lead Home. This time, their son would be the giver of that good gift, and their son would open the second doorway, the doorway Home.
The Parents told their daughter that she had proven herself worthy by her opening of the doorway of the Red Tree, and now their son would prove himself worthy by his opening of the doorway of the White Tree. He would offer her the white fruit, and she should hearken and accept it from him, as he had hearkened and accepted the red fruit from her.
In this way, both would be proven worthy, and he would rule with her as her equal and beloved partner.
They looked at each other, and could not help but smile. The Red Fruit of life and choice and the White Fruit of the way of righteousness . . . each so necessary, each so joyous, each given as a gift to the other by the hand of their own beloved equal companion. They felt a glimpse of the love of their own Parents for each other.
They clasped hands, and together headed off on their journey. Our journey. And the giving and receiving of the gifts of the Red Fruit and the White Fruit, and the opening of the first and second doorways, continue to this day . . .
. . . with you.

In a Conference Report (April, 2004), President Boyd K. Packer made suggestions on how we can keep our families spiritually nourished as we guide them along the path to the Tree of Life. Here are some ideas which are meaningful to me.
Pres Boyd K. Packer
  • Encourage our children and grandchildren, our youth, to have faith and not fear.
  • Build our own faith through following Church principles.
  • Study the truth in the scriptures.
  • Be happy and enjoy the journey.
  • Treasure children.
  • Keep our homes in order.
  • Face challenges with courage.
  • Follow the leaders.
  • Find our strength and safety in the Church.
  • Allow the Atonement to have a special role in our lives.

It is my prayer that we will follow these suggestions, make our homes stronger, guide our children towards the tree, and turn to the Lord when the going gets rough!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 1 Nephi 1-7

Please check out my initial thoughts on these verses written on 2016. They can be found at:

As I mentioned in this post, one of the scriptures that always touches my heart and has great meaning to me personally is 1 Nephi 3:7, which reads: "...I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

I thought about this scripture when I received the calling to teach the Gospel Doctrine class once again. This was the third time. The first time was in my own ward and I spent four years as the Gospel Doctrine teacher. I enjoyed this period of time, felt I did my best, and always relied on the Spirit to guide me with preparing and teaching my classes. The second time I received a calling on assignment to teach Gospel Doctrine in a ward that was not my own. I taught the Book of Mormon once again. This was the time when I started this blog. I stopped writing the blog posts after I was released. This time, I am back again in my own ward.

My first tendency was to reject the calling. I had only recently started attending my ward again and really did not know the bulk of the members. I also realised the approach to studying the Gospel was more home-centred and that the lessons needed to encourage individual and family study outside of class as the primary source of gospel learning. After the first lesson, I was painfully aware that not everyone was studying the 'Come, Follow Me' material. The brethren and sisters who had been touched by their studying in the two weeks prior to the lesson kept contributing, while others remained silent. I wanted to bring them into the lesson but was not able to get them involved personally in the scriptures, that were designated to be studied at home. I have not found the answer to this yet. How do I motivate the quiet ones to bring their ideas to class and share them? I accepted the calling, I am doing the best I can, and I know the Spirit will help me to find a way to encourage everyone to come to class prepared.

My reluctance to accept the calling was also affected by my negative state of mind through my situation at work. After 20 years of working for the same local polytechnic and devoting my heart and soul to the job, I was made redundant. In my mind I knew had qualifications and experience, but I felt worthless and unappreciated. The words of Nephi were those that prompted me to take on the calling despite my anxiety. Since accepting the calling, day-to-day, temporal matters have been sorting themselves out. I know the Lord blesses those who are obedient.

Nephi is such an amazing man. His unwavering faith and his reliance on the Lord, allowed him to become a leader. He listened to his father, Lehi, a prophet of God, and respected and loved his mother, Sariah. I love watching the new Book of Mormon videos. These can be found on YouTube. The picture below of Sariah and Lehi welcoming Nephi made my heart melt. I have three wonderful sons and I know exactly how Sariah felt to know her boys had returned home safely.

Nephi in the arms of his mother Sariah.