Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book of Mormon 5 - “Hearken to the Truth, and Give Heed unto It”

Lesson #5, “Hearken to the Truth, and Give Heed unto It”, highlighted the courage and obedience of Nephi. The stories are those I know well: the Liahona, the broken bow, and the journey to the Promised Land. Although I studied these stories in Sunday School classes and in Seminary, reflecting on the scriptures brought many new insights. I hope to capture some of these insights.

The first scripture that touched my heart was 1 Nephi 17:6: "We had suffered many afflictions and much difficulty, yea, even so much that we cannot write them all". This brought to mind some really bad times that were so bad I could not talk to anyone about them for a very long time. It is heart-breaking to have trials that cannot be written down or discussed.

We recognise the Liahona as a compass, but it is also a type or symbol of Christ and His teachings, according to Alma (Alma 37:44-45). As the Liahona guided Lehi and Ishmael’s families to the Promised Land, according to their faithfulness, so living the teachings of the gospel will lead us back to our Heavenly Father and eternal life. We cannot expect to fast and pray for blessings, if we are not living according to the commandments we have been given. We cannot expect to receive blessings we have not earned.

I acknowledge the power of the story of Nephi’s broken bow. When Nephi broke his bow, it was impossible to hunt for food for the family. Family members were hungry and subsequently, moaned! Would I have moaned under these circumstances? I imagine I would! Even the Prophet Lehi murmured! Nephi made a new wooden bow and an arrow from a straight stick, and then, in humility, asked his father for the direction he should take to find food. This is an awesome example of a strong, competent man, a leader in his own right, turning to his patriarch for guidance. We must never judge our parents or our leaders. They are not perfect, but they have responsibilities and keys given to them. The Lord has given them these keys and responsibilities for a purpose. If the Lord believes in them, who are we to question His wisdom?

My heart also broke for Lehi and Sariah, especially Sariah, on the ship travelling to the Promised Land. Nephi was bound with cords and treated severely for speaking out against his brothers and the daughters of Ishmael, for their levity and rudeness on board ship. In 1Nephi 18:17, we learn that Nephi’s brothers did not tolerate anyone speaking on behalf of Nephi, including his parents. His parents were brought down "upon their sick beds". I can identify with Nephi’s parents. Is there anything more worrying then seeing your children argue and seeing a child in unnecessary agony? The sort of pain you can feel for your children can make you physically ill.

Lesson #5 also had the beginnings of the words of Isaiah that Nephi shared with his family. I always find difficulty understanding Isaiah. I found a reference that helped me understand these chapters. My favourite LDS writer and speaker is John Bytheway. In Gospel Doctrine Prep, 1 Nephi 13-22, John Bytheway makes the Isaiah chapters understandable in a section-by-section analysis. John Bytheway has written a book called “Isaiah for Airheads”. I have ordered this book from Deseret Bookstore and cannot wait to read and understand more about the words of Isaiah!

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