Saturday, February 6, 2016

Book of Mormon 6 - “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life”

Lesson #6 meant a great deal of personal reflection. 2 Nephi 1 contains words of advice from Lehi to his sons. Lehi discussed the destruction of Jerusalem and the importance of the American Continent as a Land of Promise with associated blessings for obedience and cursings for disobedience. 

The scripture that made me think was: 2 Nephi 1:13. Lehi told his sons to awake from a deep sleep and shake off the chains by which they were bound. The deep sleep Lehi referred to is apathy. I may not be apathetic in some things but I am in others! I will put 100% in to my Sunday School preparation for Gospel Doctrine class but I am apathetic with temple attendance. I love sleeping in – it is definitely my weakness, my chain that binds me. I think about setting my alarm to get up early to attend the temple and my “snooze” button kicks in – I think well, maybe next month, or maybe by the middle of the year! I have the same apathy with my own personal self-discipline. I know I should eat all things in moderation but I do love a good sugar kick! Again, I hit the “snooze” button – I will stop drinking sodas tomorrow, or by next weekend, or only allow myself one for the weekend! I need to follow Nephi’s example and do it NOW!

I also thought about the chains of addiction. There are many who try to excuse an addiction, or even worse, who justify the addiction by claiming it is just who they are – they cannot help it. Elder Marvin J. Ashton addressed this point in, “Shake off the chains with which ye are bound”. Here is part of his counsel:

“Those words apply to us today. Who among us hasn’t felt the chains of bad habits? These habits may have impeded our progress, may have made us forget who we are, may have destroyed our self-image, may have put our family life in jeopardy, and may have hindered our ability to serve our fellowmen and our God. So many of us tend to say, “This is the way I am. I can’t change. I can’t throw off the chains of habit.”

Lehi warned his sons to “shake off the chains” because he knew that chains restrict our mobility, growth, and happiness. They cause us to become confused and less able to be guided by God’s Spirit…

Righteous living is a shield, a protector, an insulation, a strength, a power, a joy, a Christ-like trait. Yes, living a life of righteousness is a chain breaker…Is it any wonder, in our day as it was in Nephi’s, that God’s pleas are “awake,” “listen,” “procrastinate no longer,” “believe me,” “come back,” and “seek the straight course”?” (Elder Marvin J. Ashton, Oct. 1986, Shake off the chains…)

I have seen this in the lives of members. I have seen a celestial marriage, a beautiful, young family, whose happiness and well-being is threatened by chains. A father chained by addiction to pornography, to drugs, while his wife struggles to cater to the needs of little ones totally reliant on her, while she is overwhelmed by feelings of powerlessness and desperation. The only answer is to make the change now. Avoid the excuses and the rationalisations that come from only one source, Satan himself. Follow the Saviour, break the chains, love your wife, and be there as a whole man and an honourable Priesthood holder for your children.

In 2 Nephi 2, Lehi addressed his son Jacob, his first child born in the wilderness. He spoke of the purpose of life, the creation of the earth, the fall of man, and the atonement of Christ. One of my favourite scriptures is 2 Nephi 2:11-12, which speaks about the necessity for opposition in all things. This scripture was part of our scripture mastery when I was a Seminary student. The words of this scripture have helped me face adversity many times in my life. I may be sick today but I will be better next week and next week I will really appreciate my health!

Lehi also spoke of the atonement. I am always in awe of the love of my Saviour when I consider the atonement. He suffered for me, as weak as I am. He loved me enough to die for me. My sin increased the pain He endured. I love my Saviour. The atonement gives us hope. The atonement provides a way back to our Heavenly Father. Lehi outlined our choice in 2 Nephi 2:27: liberty and eternal life or captivity and death. Let us try to make the right choice now, without delay.

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