Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 1 Nephi 11-15

Please check out my post on this lesson from 2016:

Quentin L. Cook
Nephi was shown events from the Saviour's life that bore testament to His great love for the people then and for us now. I often feel overwhelmed in the knowledge that I know the Lord loves me. I feel so blessed and honoured when I know prayers have been answered and blessings given. In the October 2017 General Conference, Elder Quentin L Cook had this to say: ""The Saviour’s example of humility and sacrifice for all mankind is the most profound event in history. The Saviour, even as a member of the Godhead, was willing to come to earth as a lowly infant and begin an existence that included teaching and healing His brothers and sisters and ultimately suffering indescribable pain in Gethsemane and on the cross in order to perfect His Atonement. This act of love and humility on the part of Christ is known as His condescension."

The love and humility of the Saviour are portrayed in the pictures below. They show His great love, compassion, and caring. I know the Lord loves me. I need to demonstrate my love by being obedient and living His laws.
Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer
Nephi further witnessed the power of Satan. We can see his power around us every day, In the April 2019 General Conference, our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson said, “The battle with sin is real. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to disrupt testimonies and impede the work of the Lord. He is arming his minions with potent weapons to keep us from partaking of the joy and love of the Lord.” A great description of how Satan is doing this, was provided by Elder Gene R. Cook in the April 1982 General Conference. He said, “In this world of illusions, Satan sows selfishness, unbelief, fear, doubt, greed, spiritual instability, and a general concern for self into men’s hearts. He is a master builder of spiritual detours to waste time, divert attention from that which is good, and diminish spiritual receptivity. In these days of increasing deception, and more to come, one must be aware of Satan’s spiritual snares and be sure of his own discernment." All we need to do is look at our Facebook feed or watch the news on television to see Satan at work. We know, from Nephi’s vision, that God will help us to resist Satan and his wiles.
Satan at work
Come Follow Me is one tool to help us keep the love of God in our hearts and minds continually and prevent Satan and his followers from influencing us to do wrong and move away from light and truth. We need to read our scriptures, ponder and pray about them, and then listen for the promptings of the Spirit. At the beginning of Chapter15, Nephi returned to his family following his vision. He found his brothers arguing about the things that their father Lehi had told them. In verse 8, he asked them, “Have ye inquired of the Lord?“. In verse 9, they replied, “We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.” Although Nephi must have been tired from his spiritual experience, he took the time to explain to his brothers that they could know of the things Lehi had spoken. They needed to soften their hearts, ask in faith, and believe that an answer would be given. In John W. Welch’s notes on Come, Follow Me, he says, “As human beings, we all know the general result we want. Most of us want good outcomes as often as possible. What we lack, more often than not, is the understanding of how to get from where we are now to where we want to be. Because the path is unclear, we end up disagreeing about the means and methods to employ to get where we want to go... What they were missing, of course, was the reality and importance of individual, personal revelation.” I rely on personal revelation to help me understand scriptural passages. Most importantly, I would not be able to stand in front of the Gospel Doctrine class every second Sunday, without asking for personal revelation, relying on the Spirit’s direction.
Come Follow Me manuals
I introduced my class to a resource that I have used extensively, that provides an in-depth understanding of the chronology of the Book of Mormon. Events from the Book of Mormon are shown together with Biblical events and important periods in world history. I would recommend this to anyone who would like a general overview. It can be found at:
Book of Mormon Timeline

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