Thursday, February 20, 2020

Book of Mormon 2020 - 2 Nephi 1-5

Please check out my initial thoughts on these verses written back in 2016. They can be found at:

This week in Gospel Doctrine class we had to cover so much doctrine. We always just touch on the first week’s scriptures, and then focus on the second week’s scriptures. I split the class into six groups. I really dislike group work, but I was very concerned about members of the class who do not seem to be reading their scriptures during the two weeks between lessons. This was a way to cover some of the doctrine and get the class members to do some work! I only had two groups work on scriptures from 2 Nephi 1-5.

The first group covered Lehi’s messages to his family before he passed away. I lived through the death of my own father but he was too frail and too sick to worry about giving any last-minute counsel. In the years prior to his death, my dad often repeated two gems of wisdom: listen to your mum and remember the covenants you have made, I have tried to live by these two gems for my whole life.

In 2 Nephi 1: 23, Lehi counselled his sons, “Shake off the chains with which ye are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust.” I loved the comment made by President Spencer W. Kimball, “"[There] are Church members who are steeped in lethargy. They neither drink nor commit the sexual sins. They do not gamble nor rob nor kill. They are good citizens and splendid neighbours, but spiritually speaking they seem to be in a long, deep sleep. They are doing nothing seriously wrong except in their failures to do the right things to earn their exaltation. To such people as this, the words of Lehi might well apply." (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 149)

Attending the temple
When I considered these scriptures back in 2016, I mentioned my own lethargy regarding temple attendance. This changed dramatically and I started attending the temple regularly with my middle daughter. These experiences brought us much closer and it was truly the highlight of every month. We have both missed these visits since the temple was closed for renovations. Shortly, not only will our Hamilton temple be open but we will have access to a temple in our back-yard, Manukau Heights, literally ten minutes from home. At the present time, we cannot be lethargic. I have a current temple recommend to make sure I am ready for temple work. While my dear old mum is still alive, I need to delve into all the family history she has done, so I understand what has been done and what still needs to be done.

I did not assign my favourite passage of scripture to the class, 2 Nephi 2:11-12. This outlined opposition and how it is necessary for all of us to fulfill the reason for our journey in mortality. The last three months has been a period where I have seen opposition and moved from low to high places and from low to high states of mind. In December 2019, I was made redundant after 20 years working for the same tertiary institution. I worked hard and I was good at my job. When I was told I was being made redundant, I understood that I had been undone by our Campus Manager, who had long held a grudge against me, that was unjustified. In my head I knew that the redundancy was unfair. I knew I had many qualifications and a lot of skill and experience. However, in my heart I was crushed. Thirty years ago, I left a painful marriage with no self-esteem. I literally thought I was worth nothing. The redundancy left me feeling the closest I have been to that state of mind for the past thirty years. I went to the doctor and was sent on to counselling. Both helped but not to the same extent as prayer, scripture study, fasting, a blessing from the Bishop, and some good news! The day I was made redundant, I applied for a little part-time job. I got the job. I also received news that I had been granted my PhD and achieved the Chancellor’s Doctoral Research Medal. I appreciate my new qualification after the years of hard work. But I also find great joy in my new little part-time job, working with some delightful, happy, caring people. After leaving a toxic environment, I can now relax and enjoy the work I do. I do not believe I would now be so grateful and content if it had not been for the devastation felt in the previous two months.

The second group in Gospel Doctrine class examined the important role of Mother Eve. What a strong, courageous woman and what a hard role she had to fulfill. She made a decision that allowed me to come to this Earth for a trial that would allow me to return to my Heavenly Father if I just follow the Iron Rod and walk in humility and obedience. Although I have many diplomas and degrees, when I am asked for my ultimate achievement, I always respond that it is my six amazing children. I love and respect each one and consider it a true honour to be their mother. So, thank you Mother Eve!
The Mother of all Living by Diana Webb
In 2016, I wrote a follow-up post in which I examined Nephi’s psalm (2 Nephi 4:15-35). This can be found at:

In this post I was inspired by Nephi’s psalm. I wrote my own psalm which contained the deepest feelings in my soul. I was privileged to also be able to share my mother’s Psalm of Praise.

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