Friday, March 25, 2016

Book of Mormon 10 - “He Inviteth All to Come Unto Him"

This lesson brought back many of the discussions we had in Seminary on the signs of the times. These signs are all around us. All we have to do is switch on the television and the new items declare boldly the work of Satan and his followers. There are wars and terrorism, murders and natural disasters. I worry about the future. I am especially concerned about our young people.  They are faced with such enormous trials and these will only increase as time moves inexorably forward.

The scriptures from 2 Nephi 26-30 contained some fascinating, terrifying, reassuring, and motivating messages. We learn that the Jews, the Nephites and Lamanites, and the Gentiles will all reject Christ and apostatize. We learn that the human family will be given a second chance and how this will take effect. We are told of the Book of Mormon and how Satan will try his best to destroy it. We then learn about how we must follow the Saviour and feast on His words. All these messages are timely and will have an effect on our lives.

2 Nephi 28 gives us an insight into Satan and his tactics. Brother John Bytheway lists many of these tactics. Some include:
  • Builds up false churches (3)
  • Creates contention (4)
  • Relies on learning, not on the spirit (4)
  • Denies the existence and power of God (5)
  • Denies miracles (6)
  • Teaches that there is no life beyond mortality (7)
  • Says God will justify some sin (8)
  • Says God will save everyone regardless of how they live (8)
  • Tempts people to sin now, repent later (8)
  • Encourages pride (9, 12)
  • Robs the poor (13)
  • Promotes whoredoms, immorality (14)
  • Emphasizes riches (15)
  • Twists the truth (15)
  • Hates that which is good (16)
  • Promotes anger (19)
  • Pacifies people – think of a baby “pacifier” (21)
  • Lulls – think of a “lullaby” (21)
  • Puts us to sleep and cheateth our souls (21)
  • Uses flattery (22)
  • Teaches there is no devil, hell (22)
  • Says there is no need for new scripture (29)
  • Says to trust in man, not in God (31)

These can be seen all around us, every day. I have associates who deny God completely. I see people around me, in academic circles, who believe they have all the answers and have no need to look further. They rely entirely on their academic achievements. I have associates and friends who belong to a religious group that borrows many of the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but was established and operates for the personal gain of its leader. I see our politicians who serve no one but themselves and their lives are centred on greed and self-emulation. I know I cannot survive without the guidance of the Spirit.

The tactic that is the saddest is contained in two scriptures, that to me are linked closely: verse 8: (in part) And there shall also be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin… and verse 21: And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. I see this in the lives of some of our Young Single Adults. They will have just one drink with friends… definitely not more… they won’t get drunk… just to be friendly. Or, they will go clubbing… maybe indulge in just one pill… just to make it more fun… no one will know. The trouble is that one small sin leads to more sin and more excuses, and more sin leads to guilt and an excuse to not go to church. Satan soon has them exactly where he wants them.

I know where I want to be. I know how grateful I am for the gospel. I wish I could take my testimony and share it with some of our younger people who are struggling so hard. I wish I could make it easier for them. I am so grateful for the Atonement. At least this gives us all hope. We find the guidance we need in the scriptures, especially in the Book of Mormon, and through modern revelation from the apostles and prophets.

It seems appropriate, as it is the Easter weekend, to share the message of hope in this short video. In 2 Nephi 30 we are told that being a part of the Lord’s chosen family is open to everyone. This little Easter video highlights the same message. All we have to do is follow Him.

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