Sunday, October 23, 2016

Book of Mormon 34 - “How Could You Have Forgotten Your God?”

The events portrayed in Helaman 6-12 are similar to events today. In Helaman 6, the Nephites have become less righteous than the Lamanites. Both Nephites and Lamanites are wealthy and richly blessed with gold, silver, ore, linen, and cloth. The cycle of pride is in play and many of the Nephites have become full of pride and fixated on their riches. In Helaman 6:17 we read, “For behold, the Lord has blessed them so long with the riches of the world that they had not been stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to bloodshed; therefore they began to set their hearts upon their riches; yea, they began to seek to get gain that they might be lifted up one above another; therefore they began to commit secret murders, and to rob and to plunder, that they might get gain.”

Today’s society is so materialistic. We have flash technology, phones, computers, TVs, and even computerised appliances. How many people place more value on their goods than on God? Religion is not fashionable today. The problem is, many of those who have the most, seem to be the most miserable. All we need to do is look at the high rates of suicide, addiction, and divorce, amongst today’s celebrities.

In Helaman 6, we are reminded that the laws in Nephite society have been trampled underfoot (see Helaman 6:39). Cezoram, and subsequently his son, are murdered while filling the role of Chief Judge. A secret combination, the Gadianton Robbers, is able to take over the government. I have been appalled watching the lead-up to the American elections. In New Zealand we have our share of crooked politicians, but nothing as bad as the current American political mad-house. No matter who wins the US election, the USA will be in a sorry state! If Donald Trump wins, I can imagine a situation similar to the turmoil in the Nephite government (about 30 years before the birth of the Saviour).
Kishkumen & Gadianton by James Fullmer
What is a secret combination? 30 Characteristics of Secret Combinations gives us so much information about secret combinations. These 30 characteristics also appear in an article called Waking Up to Secret Combinations (2011) by Darren Andrews. Secret combinations are Satanic in nature, founded and supported by Satan himself. They involve oaths and signs, members protect one another, and are highly secretive. The objectives of these secret combinations are to achieve power and gain, and they often target government. This sometimes allows murder on a national or international scale. The only way to stop combinations is through conversion to the gospel. The Lamanites were able to achieve this end. The Lamanites preached to the robbers, and they all repented and forsook the Gadianton band. In Helaman 6:37 it says, “And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Lamanites.”
Do we have secret combinations today? I remember a list made on the board in Sunday School, which included: Mafia, Ku Klux Klan, Boko Haram, Taliban, Isis, Freemasons, Knights Templar, etc.. Yes, a variety of these combinations do exist. The Freemasons have been a part of society for hundreds of years, and the Italian Mafia also has a history that dates back nearly 150 years. More recently. Asian Mafias have risen to power in many great cities around the world. Today, there are literally hundreds of terrorist groups. But, I believe, secret combinations include hundreds, or even thousands, of smaller, less obvious groups. Motorbike gangs, groups of crooked politicians, businessmen, or even police, may be included under this category. Even smaller groups, like the Roast Busters, the group of West Auckland young males who bragged on Facebook about having sex with drunk and underage girls, may be considered a form of secret combination.

One of the most dramatic and moving conversion stories I have ever read and watched is From Mafia to Mormon. A summary of this story can be found in LDSLIving. I also have a DVD of the same name. This tells the story of Mario Facione, who belonged to the Detroit mafia. He specialised in the theft and black market liquidation of heavy construction equipment. He learned to read by struggling through a copy of the Book of Mormon. He received a testimony of the Book of Mormon and was baptised in 1981. When he went to his bishop for a temple recommend, he was told that he could not serve two masters. Part of his story is how he closed the door on his past with the mafia. This is a story that reminded me of the Lamanite Gadianton robbers, who turned their backs on the secret combination through repentance and conversion.

The best thing we can do is to stay close to the Spirit, if we hope to avoid Satan’s wiles and his power. In Helaman 7:20, Nephi questions the wicked Nephites saying, “O, how could you have forgotten your God?” The importance of “always remembering” our Saviour, by partaking of the Sacrament every week, and by praying both night and morning, will be a shield and protection to us.

In Helaman 8, we see how close Nephi is to the Spirit. While testifying to the wicked Nephites, he makes a remarkable prophecy of an event that only just occurred. In Helaman 8:27, he states, “…behold, your judge is murdered, and he lieth in his blood; and he hath been murdered by his brother, who seeketh to sit in the judgment-seat.” The Nephites send men to check out the truthfulness of this prophesy. These men find the judge lying in his own blood. They are so astounded by the fact that Nephi’s words are true, that they faint to the ground. When the judge is discovered, the men who fainted, are initially imprisoned and then released. The most surprising part of this event is the reaction of the crowd to Nephi’s words. His words constitute a detailed and accurate prophecy, yet most of the Nephites do not accept him as a prophet. Their hearts are so hardened that they turn from him and walk away. I find this astonishing!

In Helaman 12. Mormon gives comments on the events he previously recorded. He mentions that at the very time when the people are prosperous and possess precious things in abundance, they “do forget the Lord their God, and do trample under their feet the Holy One” (Helaman 12:2). He goes on to say, “except he doth visit them with death and with terror, and with famine and with all manner of pestilence, they will not remember him” (Helaman 12:3). 
Brother Bill Beardall, in his Lesson 34, lists the weaknesses of fallen humanity, as recorded by Mormon in Helaman 12:4-6. These are:
*Evil and devilish
*Quick to do iniquity
*Slow to do good
*Quick to hearken to the words of the evil one
*Quick to set their hearts on the vain things of the world
*Quick to be lifted up in pride
*Quick to boast
*Slow to remember the Lord their God
*Slow to give ear to God’s counsels
*Slow to walk in wisdom’s paths
*Not desirous that the Lord, their God, who created them, should rule and reign over them
*Eager to set aside God’s counsel
*Not desirous that God should be their guide
I read this list, realising that these are the things I need to avoid. The key word again seems to be “remember”. I need to always remember who I am, i.e. a beloved daughter of heavenly parents. I need to remember my Saviour and Redeemer and the power of the Atonement. I need to maintain an attitude of gratitude. I need to remember that I can choose my actions but not the consequences of those actions. I need to always retain an eternal perspective. 

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