Monday, April 18, 2016

Book of Mormon 13 – “The Allegory of the Olive Trees”

Welsh and Ricks (1992) in their introduction, stated, “the allegory of the olive tree, written by Zenos and quoted by Jacob to his people in Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon, strikes us anew as one of the most magnificent allegories in all the sacred literature of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Besides its exceptional length and exquisite detail, Zenos’s extended allegory communicates important meaning, deep emotion, rich wisdom, and divine feeling. No other allegorical text encompasses greater historical scope and typological vitality. It deserves an honoured place alongside the best biblical parables or symbolic literature” (p.1).

At first, I found the allegory confusing. I decided to do my own research in order to understand Jacob 5 more fully. I completed an outline of the scriptures and their contents to summarise my understanding (ideas from Bill Beardall and John Bytheway). The following is a summary table.

Bill Beardall gave the following explanation of the symbolism in the allegory. I found this very helpful.
·        Vineyard = the world
·        Tame olive tree = the house of Israel (v3)
·        Wild olive tree = the Gentiles (those who are not of the house of Israel by birth)
·        Master of the vineyard = the Lord
·        The servant = a prophet or prophets
·        Grafting natural branches into the wild trees = branches of Israel dispersed among the Gentiles
·        Grafting wild branches into the natural tree = adoption of Gentiles into Israel
·        Nephi defined grafting as coming "to the knowledge of the true Messiah" (1 Nephi 10:14)
·        Pruning, nourishing, and cultivating = the work of the Lord and his servants to save their people
·        Natural fruit = faithful Saints and their righteous works, worthy of eternal life (v61)
·        Wild fruit = unfaithful individuals and their unrighteous works

I found an old video on YouTube, a CES Book of Mormon film on Jacob 5, that shows Seminary youth caring for trees and teaches the chapter's symbolism. This also clarified a lot of the horticultural imagery that I did not fully understand. The video is linked below. 

The Allegory of the Olive Tree’ by Welsh and Ricks (1992), mentioned the detailed horticultural practices and procedures in Jacob 5 would have not have been known by an untrained person, such as the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that even specialists, when the Book of Mormon was translated, would not have fully appreciated the unique aspects of olive culture (p. 522). This is yet another aspect of the Book of Mormon that testifies of its authenticity.

In the Book of Mormon: Gospel Study Companion (2 CD-set) by Michael Wilcox, he talks about the allegory as an allegory and as a parable. The allegory increases our understanding of the history of the House of Israel. Reading Jacob 5 as a parable shows us more about the nature of the Saviour. He suggests that three words, repeated frequently in Jacob 5, increase our knowledge and understanding of the Saviour, the Master of the vineyard. These three words are: nourish – the Master provides constant nourishment for the trees in his vineyard; grieve – He grieves when they begin to die; and, labour – He labours to save them. I love this way of looking at Jacob 5. I love my Saviour. This understanding adds to the love I have for my Saviour and my desire to follow His direction. In v.41 the Master weeps and asks “what could I have done more?” This is such a sweet and touching scripture, and reveals the Lord’s love for me and for you.

Jacob 7 tells us about the first anti-Christ in the Book of Mormon, Sherem. Jacob is able to resist the influence of Sherem because of his unshaken faith. Jacob has already told us about the key to bringing forth good fruit, in Jacob 6:7, “after ye have been nourished by the good word of God all the day long”. In Jacob 4:6, Jacob gave us the process for developing the same unshaken faith that he had: we need to search the prophets to be nourished by the good word of God, and study is the catalyst to revelation, and personal revelation creates unshakeable faith. I find it so comforting to have this recipe for developing unshakeable faith.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Book of Mormon 12 - “Seek Ye for the Kingdom of God”

The most striking thought I had when reading these scriptures is that a prophet is the mouthpiece of God. The messages Jacob delivered to his people, were the messages our current prophet and apostles delivered at General Conference. The prophets and apostles love the people who are entrusted to their care. Jacob’s words were desired to warn and guide the people who were listening to him. At the closing of this year’s April General Conference, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “Brothers and sisters, do you have any idea—do you have any notion or inkling whatsoever—of how much we love you?” Jacob’s words convey the same care, the same concern.

Jacob was the oldest of Lehi’s children born in the wilderness. After Lehi’s death, Jacob followed his brother Nephi into the wilderness. Jacob and his younger brother, Joseph, were called as priests and teachers to the people. Jacob 1 taught me two important principles. Firstly, in Jacob 1:2-3, we learn that we need to take the responsibility of keeping our records and a journal with dedication. Jacob did so. President Spencer W. Kimball reminded us that, “From time immemorial the Lord has counselled us to be a record-keeping people.” This blog is my effort to follow this counsel. The second principle, highlighted in Jacob 1:19, is that callings also must be completed with fervour and with the spirit. A favourite quote of mine, is from President Henry B. Eyring, who stated that “there are no small callings to represent the Lord.” All callings, from Bishop to Visiting Teacher, are important to the Lord.

Jacob’s words of counsel were prompted by his knowledge of the sin that was in the minds and hearts of the people. He must have discerned these thoughts through the Holy Spirit and under the Lord’s guidance. In Jacob 2: 5-6, Jacob states: “But behold, hearken ye unto me, and know that by the help of the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth I can tell you concerning your thoughts, how that ye are beginning to labor in sin, which sin appeareth very abominable unto me, yea, and abominable unto God…I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of your hearts.” This scripture reminded me of a favourite quotation from the prophet of my childhood, President David O. McKay. This quote has been credited to many famous people: Stephen Covey, Charles Reade, George Boardman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Samuel Smiles. Some even say it is an ancient Buddhist or ancient Chinese proverb. I like it the way it was quoted by President McKay. This quote appears below.

Our thoughts are critical to our progress in the gospel and in life. A popular psychology book by Dr Dennis Waitley called ‘Seeds of Greatness’, discussed a study by Stanford University, that affirmed that what we watch, what our thoughts dwell on, is what we eventually tend to act out in our lives. Dr Waitley further suggested that there would be a dramatic change in our lives, if we could reverse the process and script our thoughts and actions in our own minds. Brother Bill Beardall suggested four ways to script positive thoughts: hold on to the words of the prophets, prayer, service, and surrounding ourselves with pictures, music, and media that uplifts and inspires us to righteousness.

I could not help but identify themes in Jacob that also emerged at General Conference. Firstly, Jacob stressed the importance of the temple (in Jacob 2 and 3). Elder Quentin L. Cook issued a challenge: “My challenge this morning is for each of us, wherever we live, to see ourselves in the temple.” Secondly, Jacob warned the people that they needed to first seek the kingdom of God, and only then to seek riches. These riches were to be used to “clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted” (Jacob 2:19). Elder Patrick Kearon of the Seventy gave a very emotional talk, ‘Refuge From the Storm’, about the refugee crisis. He spoke about the efforts made by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to aid the refugees in Europe. He spoke about the work the church itself is doing with aid agencies, as well as the work of Relief Societies, wards, stakes, and individuals in the area. “Across Europe specifically, I have seen many members of the Church who have experienced a joyful awakening and enriching of the soul as they have responded to that deep, innate desire to reach out and serve those in such extreme need around them. The Church has provided shelter and medical care. Stakes and missions have assembled many thousands of hygiene kits. Other stakes have provided food and water, clothing, waterproof coats, bicycles, books, backpacks, reading glasses, and much more…Individuals from Scotland to Sicily have stepped in to every conceivable role.” This is the work the Lord wants His people to do: clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. The Lord himself said, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).

My father was a great man when it came to looking after those in need. He taught me the true meaning of giving. He was an Inspector of Mining for the Anglovaal Mining Corporation in South Africa. He was called to inspect mines in Hotazel (known as Hot As Hell, with temperatures regularly hitting 40oC): the Hotazel Manganese Mines, Wessels Mine and Mamatwan Mine in the Kalahari, Northern Cape. The mine workers lived and worked in extreme poverty. They had little clothing, no comforts, and the children played in the dirt in rags and bare feet. This broke my dad’s heart. When he returned to Johannesburg he spoke about the plight of these workers and their families to the members of the Johannesburg Stake. He asked if people could open their hearts and donate items for these people in dire need. Goods started to pour in – bedding, clothing, shoes, children’s books and toys, food items, health care items, everything you could think of that could make life a little easier. We started stockpiling these items in our apartment, but soon had to store in alternative locations. Eventually, my dad had to hire several rail containers and travelled back to Hot As Hell with the donated goods. He cried when he spoke about the reaction of the miners and their families. Their joy was unbounded. My dad took the matter further by addressing the poor conditions with the mining authorities. Through him the miners received improved accommodation, better working conditions, and benefits for their families. There is no joy greater than the joy of giving!

Jacob warned against pride and adultery, and advocated cleanliness and kindness. In Jacob 4:10 Jacob cautioned the brethren to “seek not to counsel the Lord”. In General Conference many of our leaders spoke about following the Lord in humility. Elder Steven E. Snow of the Seventy counselled, ‘Be Thou Humble’; and, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, in his talk, ‘He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home’ stated, “As we increase in faith, we also must increase in faithfulness…With each step of faith on the path of discipleship, we grow into the beings of eternal glory and infinite joy we were designed to become.”

Two other talks echoed another theme found in Jacob 3 and left me uplifted and full of hope. In Jacob 3:1 we read, “Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause.” Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Seventy gave an inspirational talk, “Always Remember Him”, where he counselled us to remember the Lord’s promises and covenants, acknowledge His hand in our lives, remember the gift of the Atonement, enlarge our faith, partake of the Sacrament, and always remember Him as He remembers us. And the final talk in General Conference, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s ‘Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You’ left me on a spiritual high. “Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - “For...the Lord...God will hold [their] right hand, saying unto [them], Fear not; I will help thee.”